Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Example: The lecture … (begin) at 10.25. The lecture begins at 10.25.
1. What time … (the museums/open) in St-Petersburg?
2. I have a bike but I … (not/use) it very often.
3. How many cups of tea … (you/drink) a day?
4. “What … (you/do)” - “I’m a student”.
5. “Where … (your father/come) from?” - “He … (come) from Seversk”.
6. If you need help, why … (you/not/ask) for it?
7. I … (play) the guitar, but I … (not/play) very well.
8. He … (be) a very good student, he … (not/miss) lessons.
9. She … (have) two sisters, but she … (not/have) any brothers.
10. My friend … (live) in a nice house.


Ответ дал: lana6707
1.What time do the museums open..
2.I don't use it
3.How many cups of tea do you drink a day?
4.What do you do?
5Where does your father come from? he comes from Seversk
6.why won't you ask for it?
7.play, don't play
8.is,doesn't miss
9.has   doesn't have 
10 .lives.

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