Complete the conversation with am/'m, 's/is or are/'re.
Leo- Good. Mike's here. We .... ready to go.         Jack- Wait! Polly and Lucy ....... in the garden. Lucy ...... on her phone.        Leo-  Polly! Lucy!! Harry! It ........  late. Let's go!         Polly-  Sorry, guys! We ..........   ready now!  We .......   very excited


Ответ дал: Nastya7722
Leo-Good. Mike's here We are ready to go.
Jack-Wait! Polly and Lucy are in the garden. Lucy is on her phone. Leo- Polly! Lucy!! Harry! It is late. Lets go! Polly- Sorry,guys! We are ready now. We are very excited.

Leo-Good. Mike's here We're ready to go.
Jack-Wait! Polly and Lucy are in the garden. Lucy is on her phone. Leo- Polly! Lucy!! Harry! It's late. Lets go! Polly- Sorry,guys! We're ready now. We're very excited.

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