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Ответ дал: Ayselsuper
Hello, my dear friend... (Напиши имя друга) I know than you were very busy, that is why you don't write me a letter. How are you? Is it cold there? When will you arrive to Russia? How is your family? If you ask, how I am, how I spent my weekends, i can say that everything is Ok. I play volleyball with my friend in my free time, go to school every day, as you know, collect different sticers and so on. My parents take me to the forest every month. We have a good time there! It is so interesting!!! I love you very much, say hello to your parents from me, I wish you a goodluck. Bye! Write me in your free time! 
With love, your friend.............   (Напиши свое имя)

Ayselsuper: Во 2 предложении вместо don't write напиши didn't write
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