Поставить глаголы в правильной форме:
1) lf l (to be) you l (to contact) our chief accountant. All the papers (to type) already. How long (to take) you to prepare your report?
2) lf I (to be) you l (to open) an account in the bank. The papers (not to type) yet. We (to consult) our partners on the terms of delivery next week
3) My boss usually (to spend) a lot of time at work. Not much time (to spend) on this project last month. Lf l (to be) you l (not o sign) that contract


Ответ дал: cлюда
1were.would contact.have been typed.
does it take.
2were.would open.hasn't been typed yet.will consult.
3spends.was spent.were.wouldn't sign.
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