Write sentences as in the examples.(Писать приговоры, как и в примерах) 1.Autumn is................... season of the year.(beautiful) 2.Autumn is....................... summer.(cold) 3.Autumn is........................ winter.(warm) 4.Summer is..................... season of the year(good) 5.Winter is......................... season of the year(bad) 6.Which is..............................:the book or the film?(interesting) 7.My dog is............................. your dog(old) 8.These dresses are...........................those dresses.(beautiful) 9.This parrot is.................bird in the pat shop.(beautiful) 10.This is........................house in the city.(old) Помогите Пожалуйста !Всем За Ранее Спасибо и Выношу Свою Благодарность!


Ответ дал: nataly12393

the most beautiful

colder than

warmer than

the best

the worst

the most interesting

older than

more beautiful than

the most beautiful

the oldest



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