Вставьте в правильной форме местоимение:

1. Don't take ... (my; mine) pen! Take ... (your; yours)

2. What was ... (your;yours) mother doing?

3. ..... Farm is as rich as ... (our;ours;their;theirs)

4. This office is ... (their; theirs)

5.Those are Victor's books. The book are ... (mine;his;hers) 


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1. Don't take my  pen! Take  yours

2. What was your mother doing?

3. Our farm is as rich as theirs

4. This office is theirs

5.Those are Victor's books. The books are his 

Ответ дал: NikoLya57

1. Don't take my pen! Take yours.

2. What was your mother doing?

3. Our farm is as rich as theirs.

4. This office is theirs.

5.Those are Victor's books. The books are his. (скорее всего допущена ошибка при переписывании. the books - правильный вариант)

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