Поставь глаголы,данные в скобках в Present Continuous.
This is a summer camp.There are a lot of children have.Some boys____ ( to play) football at the playground.Other boys___ (to watch) the game.The weather is fine,the sua____(to shine) and some children ___ (to swim) in the lake and___ (to laugh). The girls____ ( to sunbath).One girl___ ( not to sunbath), she___ (to sit) under a tree and___ ( to read) a book.A cat__ ( to climb) .


Ответ дал: vikuhaonlyvick
1) are playing 
2) are watching
3) is shining
4)are swimming
4)are laughing
5)are sunbathing
5)is not sunbathing
6)is sitting
7)is reading
8)is climbing
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