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Ответ дал: Troyka1
Who is THE best player in your team?  2. I don't watch -- television very often.  3. Is there A bank near here? - Yes, at THE end of this street.  4. After -- dinner we watched -- television.  5. I like -- sport. My favourite sport is -- basketball.  6. What time is THE next train to London?  7. Everest is THE highest mountain in THE world.  8. Who was THE first President of THE United States?  9. Do you live here or are you A tourist?  10. Julia is A doctor. Her husband is A teacher.  11. My apartment is on THE second floor. Turn left at THE top of THE stairs, and it's -- right.  12.What did you have for -- lunch?  13.1'd like to have A hamburger for -- breakfast.  14. Pushkin is AN outstanding Russian poet.  15.Can you play THE piano?  16. Will you play chess with me?  17. At -- night I had A terrible headache after I had drunk A lot of coffee in evening. 18.By THE way, have you heard anything from him lately?  19. Are you going to THE country on -- Saturday?  20.Could you tell me THE time, please? - It's A quarter past 4.  21.Do this exercise at -- school and that one at -- home.  22.What A lovely song!  23.We usually go -- shopping on -- Mondays.  24. THE Earth goes round THE sun.  25.lt took me half AN hour to get there.  26.My favourite subject at -- school is -- history.

katusha2010: 1 задание артикли вставить
katusha2010: 2 задание там вставить фразовые глаголы
Troyka1: ссори мы это не проходили если бы я мог я бы помог:(
Troyka1: извени
Troyka1: как то так...
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