complete the sentences by filling in ajectives or abverbs плиз помогите
1) i dont like to get up_____ in the morning. im not an______bird.
2) speak ____ please. i dont understand you.
3)my father works _____. he likes his job.
4)you run so_____. are you a sportsman?
5) ann speaks english very_____. she studies____.

DanilaE: о спс
DanilaE: спс
DanilaE: большое
катас: о да пожалуйста:)


Ответ дал: катас
1) i dont like to get up early in the morning. im not an early bird.
2) speak slowlier please. i dont understand you.
3)my father works hard. he likes his job.
4)you run so quickly. are you a sportsman?
5) ann speaks english very well. she studies hard.

DanilaE: спс
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