complete with have/haven*t/has/hasn*t.
a)They got a kite. True
b)You got a dog False
c)She got a beautiful doll False
d)A lion got four legs True
e) I got many friends True
f)We got twelve cats False


Ответ дал: maryanis
a)They have got a kite. True
b)You have not got a dog False
c)She has not got a beautiful doll False
d)A lion has got four legs True
e) I have got many friends True
f)We have not got twelve cats False
Ответ дал: ngorod
1) they have got a kite
2) you have not got a dog
3) she hasn't got beautiful doll
4) a lion has got four legs
5) I have got many friends
6) we haven't got twelve cats
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