Помогите по английскому
Задание:Change the sentences to indirect speech
1) Do you celebrate the holiday?
Betty asks ......the holiday
2) Do you come home late ?
My grandparents asks .....home late
3)Do you watch TV in the morning ?
My grandfather asks.....in the morning
4) Does she work there ?
The policeman asks....there
5) Does he often go to the stadium ?
Maki asks....to the stadium
6) Does he grow vegetables?
My grandmother asks....vegetable
7) Did they live in Manchester in 1999?
Mr Phillips asks....in Manchester in 1999
8) Did you translate two books last year?
The pupils ask.....two books last year
9) Did she teach Mathematics at school?
Ted asks.....Mathematics at school
10) Does he like coffee?
Mary asks.....coffee


Ответ дал: Cinshihuandi
1, Betty asks if/whether Icelebrate..
2,If/Whether i come...
3,If/Whether i watch
4,if/whether she works there
6,if/whether he grows ....
7,if/whether they had lived ....
8,if/whether i had translated....
9,if/whether she had taught 
10,if/whether he likes
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