Преобразуйте в пассивный залог
1. People in Africa drink a lot of water. 2. Workers built the house in one week. 3. The teacher often speaks to me. 4. My brother is writing letters in his room. 5. The policeman stopped Jim when he was crossing the street yesterday. 6. We can't see the ship anywhere now. 7. I have been making cakes all the morning. 8. I have already written the letter. 9. Mary was reading a newspaper yesterday at five. 10. The boys were playing cards.


Ответ дал: gavharochka
1).A lot of water is drunk by people in Africa.2.)The house is built in one week by workers.3)Im often spoken by teacher.4)Letters are being written by my brother in his room.5)Jim was stopped when he was crossing the street yesterfay by policeman.6)The ship cant be seen anywhere now.7)Cakes have been being made by me all the morning.8)The letter have aleady been writtenby me.9)The newspaper was being read by Mary yest-y at 5.10)Cards were being played by boys
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