tell the teacher about your family picnics remember to say - рассказать(написать) учителю о своей семье на пикнике, не забудьте сказать(написать):
how often you go on a picnic;
what you usually do at a picnic area;
what you like about picnics.

Кто поможет,сделаю спасибо,и лучший ответ!


Ответ дал: zeyneb2
It is hot in the city.On hot days we always go out of the city.There are a lot of good places to can go to the seaside,to the village,to the countryside for a picnic.My father often takes us for a picnic.the air is fresh.we enjoy sunny weather.look at the ducks.they are lovely. They want some food. It is green here. You can sit under a tree and read abook. I can't reada book at home because it is very hot. But i enjoy it here. Oh look barbecue is ready. We love barbecue
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