complete the sentences use in the north or in the south
1 white bears live.......
2people grow oranges....
3people don"t grow coffee....
4it never snows.....of our country in summer
5the Black Sea is....of our country
6it often winter


Ответ дал: artzajkinarte
1) in the north
2) in the south
3) in the north
4) in the south
5) in the south
6) in the north

trfhthbyf: А ЗАЧЕМ ВЕЗДЕ in the
Ÿüŗijķ2øø3: дебил
Аноним: так нада
Ÿüŗijķ2øø3: не так
хром4536: спс
Аноним: hi
валентина108: спасибо♡★♡★♡★
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