Помогите! По английскому плохо. Подскажите!
1) excuse me, you ( speak) english?- yes, a little.
2) what... she ( do)?- she is a teacher.
3) sorry, i am very busy. I ( to have) a lesson.
4) we... three english lessons a week.
5) where they ( play)?- they... at the stadium.
8) why you ( speak) so loudly? You... at a lesson.
10) the sun ( rice) in the east.
УПОТРЕБИТЕ present simpl ИЛИ present continuoust


Ответ дал: aragonDi
1.do you speak
2. what does
3.I'm having
5.playing, they plays
8.do you speak. you are spiking
9.,sun is ruce
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