Помогите!!!! очень прошу!



Ответ дал: Zouvy
is older then
was less tasty then
is more beautiful
are better then
is bigger then
Вроде так

NinjaScout: Второе не совсем правильно, и вообще, там пишется "than", а не "then". "Then" значит "тогда"/
Ответ дал: NinjaScout
1. Mr. Black is 40 years old. Mr. Brown is 25 years old.
Mr. Black is older than Mr. Brown.

2. The cake was tasty. The sweet was very tasty.
The sweet was tastier than the cake.

3. The red hat is beautiful. The blue hat is very beautiful.
The blue hat is more beautiful than the red hat.

4. Big cars are good. Sport cars are very good.
Sport cars are better than big cars.

5. Murmansk is big. Moscow is very big.
Moscow is bigger than Murmansk.

Аноним: спасибо!!!!!!!
Аноним: о свитлейший!
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