Complete the sentences as in the example.
1)She gave me ... telephone number and I gave her... .
2)They gave us ... telephone number and we gave them ... .
3)We gave her ... tephone number and she gave us ... .
4)You gave them ... telephone number and they gave you ... .
5)He gave you ... telephone number and you gave him ... .
6)I showed them ... garden and they showed me ... .
7)He showed you ... garden and you showed him ... .
8)They showed her ... garden and she showed them ... .
9)We showed him ... garden and he showed us ... .
10)She showed us ... garden and we showed her ... .


Ответ дал: nunny
1) She gave me .her.. telephone number and I gave her..mine. .
2) They gave us .their.. telephone number and we gave them .ours.. .
3) We gave her .our.. tephone number and she gave us .hers.. .
4) You gave them .your.. telephone number and they gave you .theirs.. .
5) He gave you ..his. telephone number and you gave him ..yours. .
6) I showed them .my.. garden and they showed me .theirs.. .
7) He showed you .his.. garden and you showed him .yours.. .
8) They showed her .their.. garden and she showed them .hers.. .
9) We showed him .our.. garden and he showed us .his.. .
10) She showed us .her.. garden and we showed her .ours.. .

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