Fill in the blanks using the Passive Voice forms from the box.
a) is invited
b) is celebrated
c)is called
d)was built
e)was invented
f)are painted
1) Collecting coins.......the 'hobby of kings'
2)The telephone the 19th century.
3)Everybody....... to the party.
4)Maslenitsa...... at the end of winter.
5)The White House.....between 1792-1800
6)All the doors..... white in this cottage.


Ответ дал: blossomchik
1) is called
2) was invented
3) is invited
4) is celebrated
5) was built
6) are painted
Ответ дал: DeeeyW
1 is called (хотя, мне кажется, что здесь скорее подходит are)
2 was invented
3 is invited
4 is selebrated 
5 was built
6 are painted 
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