Сделайте пожалуйста с 1 по 6 номер))) заранее спасибо



Ответ дал: Angela644
You learning English now.
You not swiming now.
I not standing. I sitting.
They not watching television. They reading their books.
What you doing? Why you not doing your homework?
I not studing to become a dentist. I studing to become a doctor.

cлюда: ты везде пропустила формы глагола -to be-.надо тебе вспомнить present continuous!!!
Ответ дал: cлюда
1àre ĺearning
2aren't swimming
3I'm not standing.I'm sitting
4aren't watching.are reading
5what are you doing?Why aren't you doing ypur homework?
6I'm not studying.I'm studying.
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