Помогите!!! Write guestions and negative sentences.
Запиши запитання та заперечні речення.

1. I usually decorate the New Year tree?
Do you usually decorate the New Yea tree.
I don't usually decorate the New Year tree.

2. My mother always bakes a birthday cake.

3. Jane often makes an Easter basket.

4. They always sing carols at Christmas.

5. We usually make postcards for our parents.


Ответ дал: 1337separ
2. My mother always bakes a birthday cake.
Does she always bake cake?
She doesn't bake cake
Jane often makes an Easter basket.
Does she often make basket?
She doesn't make basket
They always sing carols at Christmas.
Do they always sing carols?
They don't sing carols
We usually make postcards for our parents.
Do you usually make postcards?
We don't make postcards
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