Дополните предложения прилагательными в подходящей степени сравнения.
1. John is (fat) than Bob.
2. Tigers are (dangerous) animals than monkeys.
3. He is (good) pupil in the class.
4. The Sahara is (hot) place in the world.
5. The wind today is (strong) than it was yesterday.

А) 1. fatter 2. more dangerous 3. the best 4. the hottest 5. stronger
Б) 1. fatter 2. the most dangerous 3. the best 4. the hottest 5. stronger
В) 1. fat 2. dangerouser 3. the goodest 4. the hottest 5. stronger
Г) 1. the fattest 2. more dangerous 3. better 4. hot 5. strongest



Ответ дал: mrfebruary
Варианты ответов под буквой А являются верными.

JulieWill: сможешь еще решить???
Ответ дал: kitty39
1.Jonn is fatter than Bob.
2.Tigers are more dangerous than monkeys.
3.He is the best pupil in the class.
4.The Sahara is the hottest place in world.
5.The wind today is stronger than it was yesterday.
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