Нужно составить вопросы из предложений!!!!
В Present Simple!!!
1.Our teacher reads lots of books.How many?
2.Dad goes to work by bus every morning.How?
3.Paul flies his kite on windy days.When?
4.We live in a big house.Who?
5.The boys hate fish.What?
6.My mum wears a uniform to work.Why?
7.They are from Italy.They speak Italian.Не так ли?
8.The children play in the park on Saturdays.Where?


Ответ дал: Tulip1991
1.How many books does our teacher read ?
2.How does father go to work?
3.When does Paul fly his kite ?
4.Who lives in a big house?
5.What do boys hate ?
6.Why does mother wear a uniform?
7.The are from Italy- aren't they ?
They speak Italian- don't they ?
8.Where do the children play on Saturdays ?

гугугуля1241: спосибо
Tulip1991: пожалуйста)
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