Выберите соответствующую видо-временную форму глагола.
1. The sales report was my responsibility. Most of the time I … it.

a. write
b. wrote
c. am writing

2. Our company … the bank loan yet.

a. repaid
b. hasn’t repaid
c. don’t repay

3. The exchange rate is very high. This currency … constantly.

a. is growing
b. wasn’t growing
c. isn’t growing

4. Nowadays many companies use internet banking, and a lot of buying and selling …. online.

a. was done
b. are done
c. is done

5. Building societies … current accounts.

a. don’t usually offer
b. isn’t usually offered
c. doesn’t usually offer

6. What … about your job at the bank?

a. are you liking
b. do you like
c. have you liked

7. A new branch of our bank … in our town soon.

a. has been opened
b. is open
c. will be opened

8. Corporate and personal income tax statement… by tax accountants.

a. prepare
b. prepared
c. are prepared

9. We … problems since our largest client … out of business.

a. are having, has gone
b. has, goes

c. will have, go

10. We … this online bank service 5 years ago and it is still very successful.

a. have introduced
b. introduced
c. are introduced


Ответ дал: nunny
1. b. wrote 2. b. hasn’t repaid 3. a. is growing 4. c. is done 5. a. don’t usually offer 6. b. do you like 7. c. will be opened 8. Corporate and personal income tax statements… by tax accountants. c. are prepared
9. a. are having, has gone 10. b. introduced
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