Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответ.

1.They have got a pet.


-............ a pet?




2.They like to write letters.


-..................... to write letters?




3.They are at school.


-........................ at school?




4.They look after the baby.


 -....................... the baby?


- Yes,...................


5.They go to school.


-...................... to school?




Ответ дал: irinasin4

1.They have got a pet. - Have they got a pet? - Yes, they have


2.They like to write letters. - Do they like to write letters? - No, they don't. 



3.They are at school.  Are they at school? - No, they aren't 



4.They look after the baby. - Do they look after the the baby?- Yes, they do



5.They go to school. Do they go to school? - Yes, they do







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