Помогите пожалуйста! Буду очень благодарна.
Write the words and phrases in the correct columm
Нужно занести слова в таблицу.
For-слева Since-справа.
two hours
half past two
15 minutes
two days
six months
I was a child
a long time
las winter


Ответ дал: nunny
For - two hours, 15 minutes, two days, six months, a long time.
Since - half past two, July, Monday, yesterday, I was a child, 2002, last winter.

LisaRisa: Спасибо большое. Могли бы еще с этим помочь, пожалуйста? Помогите пожалуйста... Буду благодарна~ Correct the sentences. 1. She played the piano since she was three. 2. They have started playing football in 2007. 3. We have driven to France last summer. 4. I knew my friend Alex since I was nine. 5. Last winter he has bought a new house
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