Choose the correct item.
1. You shouldn’t throw … old newspapers, you should recycle them.
A up B away C down D in
2. The leopard is … danger of becoming extinct unless we take action.
A under B to C in D from
3. The … to the ozone layer is a serious problem that must be dealt with now.
A destruction B disaster C devastation D damage
4. The Siberian tiger is under … of extinction.
A fear B risk C danger D threat
5. The farmers have been severely affected … the period of drought.
A to B from C by D in
6. Unfortunately, some species of seal are … threat.
A over B in C under D at
7. Plants and animals need a … ecosystem in order to live.
A balanced B equal C even D similar
8. If people were more environmentally aware, the world … a better place.
A is B would be C was D has been
9. I’ve decided! … smoking and exercise more.
A I’ll stop B I’ll be stopping C I’ll have stopped D I’m going to stop
10. I’ll teach you how to drive … you help me with my German.
A unless B in case C on condition that D or else


Ответ дал: Katelin817
1 B away
2 A under
3 A destruction
4 C danger
5 A to
6 B in
7 A balanced
8 B would be
9 D I`m going to stop
10 C on condition that
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