ПРОШУ!!!!! ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ!!!!!!! I remember our Tranksgiving on the farm. When I was 5 years old, we (0) Lived (live) on a farm near the town. One year our relatives (1) ____________ (come) from other faems and from the town to be with us. We (2) ________ (work) for days to prepare for the holiday. First mother and the girls (3) ______ (clean) every past of the house. The they (4) ______ (wash) all our best clother. The men (5) ________ (prepare) wood for all the cooking. Finally, all the family (6) __________ (drive) into town to buy coffee and sugar.
On Thanksgiving morning the women (8) ______(cook) the turkey and Aunt Ellen (9) ____ (make) pumpkin pies, Aunt Mary (10) _______ (bring) in the vegetables.
While the older children (11) __________ (help) to set the table and the twins (12) _______ (play) in their chair, our old dog (13) _______ (come) in. I (14) _______ (start) to feed the dog.


Ответ дал: Katelin817
1 came
2 had worked
3 cleaned
4 washed
5 prepared
6 drove
7 cooked
8 made
9 brought
10 were helping
11 were playing
12 came
13 started

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