Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct past tense.
1. I (to take) a painkiller for a week before I finally (to decide) to consult a doctor.
2. He (to hurt) his foot when he (to play) football.
3. I (to eat) too much when I suddenly (to feel) sick.
4. I already (to give) my grandma an injection by the time the ambulance (to arrive).
5. When my brother (to be) a child he (to suffer) from constipation.
6. When she (come) home from the university yesterday she (to complain) of a headache and a sore throat.
7. He (to cough) for a month when the X-ray (to show) that he (to have) serious problems with his lungs (легкие).
8. Last summer my friend (visit) Africa and (catch) an infectious disease.
9. He (to feel) well for some days, but when he took his temperature it was quite
10.Before he started to work there he (to have) a thorough medical check-up.


Ответ дал: Aglastik
Had taken, decided
hurt, was playing
had eaten, felt
had given, arrived
was, suffered
came, complained
was coughing, showed, had had
visited, caught
had had

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