Imagine you are at a campsite. Say what you have to don`t have to/needn`t do? Use the prompts to mare sentences.
wear uniforms wake up early

make our beds do any cooking
keep the campsite clean
wash clothes

Аноним: ПйььщщшЕцчф@@ЧЧё
Аноним: ёб..XSxsO
sahsaostrouhovs: lf yt x`!
sahsaostrouhovs: Да не чё!


Ответ дал: Vobis22
You don’t have to/needn’t wear a uniform.
You have to wake up early.
You have to keep the campsite clean.
You don’t have to do any cooking.
You don’t have to/needn’t make your beds.
You don’t have to/needn’t wash your clothes.
Вроде так;)
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