помогите составить предложения со слов,(bathroom.the.l.teeth.l.clean.my)
(my.to.like.make.l.bed) (breakfast.l.the.kitchen.have.my.in) (half.to.past.l.go.seven.school.at)


Ответ дал: Kristinatsoy
I clean my teeth in the bathroom
I like to make my bed
I have breakfast in my kitchen
I go to school at half past seven
Удачи тебе)

poleromashek: Спасибо большое!!!
Kristinatsoy: You are welcome!
poleromashek: Будь моим другом
Ответ дал: Исмет1
1)I clean my teeth in the bathroom
2)I like to make my bed
3)I have my breakfast in the kitchen
4)I go to school at half pat seven
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