Ex. 2 Complete these dialogues.

Ε x a m p 1 e: — The film is so long!

— It's the (long) film I ever (see).

It's the longest film I have ever seen.

1) — The hill is so high!

- It's the (high) hill I ever (climb).

2) — The cake is so tasty!

— It's the tastiest cake I ever (make).

3) — She is such a talented actress!

— She's (talented) actress I ever (meet).

4) — This text is so difficult!

— It's (difficult) text I ever (read).

5) – Jack’s pronunciation is so beautiful!

- Jack’s pronunciation is (beautiful) I ever (hear).

6) – The dance concert is so interesting!

- It’s (interesting) dance concert I ever (take part) in.


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1) — The hill is so high!

- It's the highest  hill I have ever climbed.

2) — The cake is so tasty!

— It's the tastiest cake I have ever made.

3) — She is such a talented actress!

— She's the most talented actress I have ever met.

4) — This text is so difficult!

— It's the most difficult text I have ever read.

5) – Jack’s pronunciation is so beautiful!

- Jack’s pronunciation is the most beautiful I have ever heard.

6) – The dance concert is so interesting!

- It’s the most interesting dance concert I have ever taken part in.

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