New words from old. Which noun can you add to all four words to from new single-word nouns or two-word nouns?

F.e.: hand, kit, pipes, sleeping+bag=

Handbag, kitbag , bagpipes, sleeping bag.

Band, chair, fire,pit Clip, news, wall, weight Fall, proof, salt, melon Basket, eye, snow, room Cloth, coffee, spoon, time



Ответ дал: appleseen

Band, chair, fire, pit + arm = armband, armchair, fire arm, armpit

Clip, news, wall, weight + paper = paper clip, newspaper, wallpaper, paperweight

Fall, proof, salt, melon+ water = waterfall, waterproof, saltwater, watermelon

Basket, eye, snow, room + ball = basketball, eyeball, snowball, ballroom

Cloth, coffee, spoon, time + table = tablecloth, coffee table, tablespoon, timetable

Ответ дал: knovytska

armband, armchair, fire arm, armpit +arm
paperclip, newspaper, wallpaper, paperweight +paper
waterfall, waterproof, saltwater, watermelon +water
basketball, eyeball, snowball, ballroom +ball

tablecloth, coffee table, tablespoon, timetable +table 

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