Подчеркни правильное слово.

1. There is/are a cooker in the kithen.

2. There is/are a lamp on the table.

3. There is/are four armchairs in the living room.

4. There is/are children in the garden.

5. Where isare the babies?

6. Where is/are the mirror?

7. Where is/are your toy box?

8. Where is/are you?

Вычеркни лишнее слово

1. next to, behind, where, in front of

2. baby, families, shelves, mice

3. is, are, has, am

4. ruler, subject, blue, fruitfulness. highly, jy&IJj


Ответ дал: wasjafeldman
1. is 2. is 3.are 4.are 5.are 6.is 7.is 8.are

1. where 2. baby 3. has 4.blue
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