1)there are many trees .......... my garden
a) in b) behind c) on
2)we've got a dog. It's........... dog
a)we b) our c) us
3)............ the window , please
a)open b)opens c)opening
4)there is a sofa in my room but there ........ any chairs.
a) isn't b) aren't c) are
5) ........... you give me a pen , please ?
a) Do b) are c) can
6) My bed is ............ of the window
a) next to b) in front c) behind
7) look at ............ ! We are on the roof
a) us b) our c) we
8) ............. go! I want to talk to you.
a) do b) doesn't c )don't
9) Sue and ann ............ cook but they can't dance
a) have b) can c ) can't
10)this is a picture of ......... family.
a)my b) me c )us
11)there are many books .............. the table
a) on b) in cOnext


Ответ дал: elleibraeva
1 in
2 b) our
3a) open
4 b) aren't
5 c) can
6 Моя кровать перед окном или рядом с окном
in front of-перед
next to-рядом с окном, около окна (ВЫберите один из вариантов, исходя из перевода) 
7 a) us
8 c) don't
9 b) can
10 a) my
11a) on
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