Fill in the blanks with comparative adjectives. 1-America is (crowded) England. 2-Tom is (tall) Sue. 3-John is (old) Alex. 4-Tennis is (enjoyable) footbal. 5-Merlin is (hardworking) a Arthur. 6-My box wa (heavy) hers. 7-My brother is (fast) everybody in the family. 8-Aeroplanes are (comfortable) trains.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1-America is more crowded than England.
2-Tom is taller than Sue.
3-John is older than Alex.
4-Tennis is more enjoyable than footbal.
5-Merlin is more hardworking than Arthur.
6-My box was heavier than hers.
7-My brother is faster than everybody in the family.
8-Aeroplanes are more comfortable than trains.
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