Put the verbs into the right tense forms.
1)If the weather is nice tomorrow, we ____ to the river (to go)
2)I'll be happy if I ____ a five in Maths. (to get)
3)If we go by train, we ___ late. (to be)
4)You will catch a cold if you ____ a warm coat. (not to put on)
5)If she ____ free time, she will go tp the cinema. (to have)
6)When my parents come, we ____ "Monopoly". (to play)
7)When is stops raining, they ____ their. Granny. (to visit)

Лерчик902: Эм.. Это надо перевести?


Ответ дал: ivanolan
1. will go 2.get 3.will be 4. do not put on 5.has 6. will play 7.will visit

KsenLix1: Спасибо!
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