Помогите надо вібрать правильній вариант
1. Ann is/is being usually patient, but today she is/is being impatient.
2. Sam is/is being rude to his mother now,but he is/is being normally pleasant to her.
3. Peter is/is being a kind man, but at the moment he is/is being selfish.
4. Julie is/is being silly at the moment, although i know she is/is being really very sensible.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Ann is usually patient, but today she is being impatient.
2. Sam is being rude to his mother now, but he is normally pleasant to her.
3. Peter is a kind man, but at the moment he is being selfish.
4. Julie is being silly at the moment, although i know she is really very sensible.
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