Choose the correct answer.
1. I have guitar lessons right now/twice a week/yesterday.
2. Dolphins lived/live/are living in the water.
3. I saw/am seeing/see George last week.
4. She lived/left/leaves an hour ago.
5. Did/Do/Are you meet your friends often?
6. Be quiet! We are trying/tried/try to listen to the teacher.
7. What did/are you do last weekend?
8. Does John studying/study/studies at the university?
9. When does/is/did Walt Disney die?
10. The boys aren't/don't/didn't working on their project now.

Give true answers about yourself.
What did you do last weekend?
When did you learn to read?
Where did you go last summer?
Who were you with yesterday afternoon?
What did you have for lunch yesterday?
Which was your favorite toy when you were 5?
What did you watch on TV last weekend?

Очень нужна помощь;!!! Помогите, пожалуйста!!!1111¡¡!!!


Ответ дал: sashair
1) twice a week
4) left
6)are trying
I went to the cinema with my friends last week.
I learnt to read when i was 4 years old.
I went to the mountains last summer.
I was with my parents yeasterday afternoon.
I had some soup for lunch yeasterday.
My favorite toy was a doll/car when i was 5.
I watched a very fascinating movie on tv last weekend.
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