задайте вопрос к подлежащему дайте ответ
1) cats like milk.
............ ?
2) Sam and Bob liked the game.
Sam and Bob.........
3) The boys have got a new game.
The boys..............
4)The children are in the garden.
the children...........
5) His friends were in the classroom.
His friends...........

Скажи что это не так .напиши сокращённую форму глагола
1) We met them in the park.
......................them in the park.
2) We can translate the text.
.......................the text.
3) He will be at home.
....................at home.
4) I am late.
5) He comes every day.
..................every day.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Who likes milk? Cats do.
2) Who liked the game? Sam and Bob did.
3) Who has got a new game? The boys have.
4) Who is in the garden? The children are.
5) Who was in the classroom? His friends were.
1) We didn't meet them in the park.
2) We cann't translate the text.
3) He won't be at home.
4) I'm not late.
5) He doesn't come every day.

ludmilc: большое спасибо
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