19. Выберите нужное:
The students … a lecture at the moment.
a) attend
b) are attending
c) have been attending
d) have attending

20. Выберите нужное:
I … read any books by this writer, yet.
a) haven‘t
b) didn‘t
c) hadn‘t
d) don‘t

21. Выберите нужное:
What shall I do? I … my passport.
a) lost
b) have lost
c) had lost
d) has lost

22. Выберите нужное:
I‘m hungry. I … concentrate on the quiz.
a) mustn‘t
b) needn‘t
c) can‘t
d) shouldn‘t

23. Выберите нужное:
When I got home, I found that someone … my bedroom window.
a) broke
b) has broken
c) had broken
d) have broken

24. Выберите нужное:
… many shops near your house?
a) Are
b) Is there
c) Are there
d) Was there

25. Выберите нужное:
Please give me … interesting to read.
a) anything
b) everything
c) nothing
d) something

26. Выберите нужное:
Excuse me, is it your book? No, it‘s … .
a) him
b) his
c) her
d) their

27. Выберите нужное:
Everest is … mountain in the world.
a) higher
b) the highest
c) a high
d) the most high

28. Выберите нужное:
Can you play … the guitar?
a) on
b) at
c) –
d) in

29. Выберите нужное:
Helen likes … in the sun for hours.
a) coming
b) during
c) sitting
d) nothing

30 Выберите нужное:
He could not do his homework … help.
a) with
b) without
c) instead of
d) because of

31. Закончите вопрос:
The English people often talk about the weather, … they?
a) didn‘t
b) don‘t
c) aren‘t
d) do

32. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому:
They learn German.
1) What language they learn?
2) What language did they learn?
3) What language do they learn?
4) What language learn they?

33. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению:
The car belongs to Michael.
a) Does the car belongs to Michael?
b) Do the car belongs to Michael?
c) Does the car belong to Michael?
d) Belongs the car to Michael?

34. Выберите нужное:
Do you often … TV?
a) see
b) look
c) watch
d) observe

35. Выберите нужное:
Take … of the children, please!
a) place
b) notice
c) care
d) part

36. Выберите нужное:
It was difficult to believe that autumn had … begun.
a) almost
b) always
c) already
d) also

37. Выберите нужное:
«Low» is opposite of «…».
a) hight
b) hate
c) hay
d) high

38. Выберите нужное:
… louder. We can‘t hear you.
a) Talk
b) Tell
c) Speak
d) Say


Ответ дал: nunny
19. b) are attending
20. a) haven‘t
21. b) have lost
22. c) can‘t
23. c) had broken
24. c) Are there
25. d) something
26. b) his
27. b) the highest
28. c) –
29. c) sitting
30 b) without
31. b) don‘t
32. 3) What language do they learn?
33. c) Does the car belong to Michael?
34. c) watch
35. c) care
36. c) already
37. d) high
38. c) Speak

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