1. - Which jeans do you like?
- The black ....
a) one b) ones с) —

2. Excuse me, but this is ... pen.
a) my b) mine c) me

3. - Where were you last Saturday?
- I ... at home.
a) stay b) stayed c) used to stay

4. The box ... two days ago.
a) has brought b) is brought c) was brought
5. I am your friend, ... ?
a) am I b) isn't it c) aren't I

6. They didn't write ... at the lesson.
a) something b) anything c) nothing

7. It usually ... me an hour to get there.
a) take b) takes c) will take
8. Nobody ... such weather.
a) likes b) like c) doesn't like

9. You know the words, you ... learn them again.
a) mustn't b) don't have to c) can't
10. We couldn't take a taxi. We ... walk.
a) had to b) must c) aren't

4. - Have you got any gloves?
- Yes, I have got black ....
a) one b) ones с) –
5. Granny ... a beautiful dress for me.
a) has made b) is made c) was made

6. We have a lot of vegetables. You ... buy any.

a) mustn't b) can't c) don't have to

7. The island ... in the fifteenth century.
a) has discovered b) is discovered c) was discovered

8. Who ... the text?

a) did translate b) does translate c) has translated

9. I was late yesterday. It ... me two hours to get to the museum.
a) takes b) will take c) took
10. Excuse me, but this is ... chair.
a) me b) ту с) mine


Ответ дал: nunny
1. - Which jeans do you like? - The black .... b) ones
2. Excuse me, but this is ... pen. a) my
3. - Where were you last Saturday? - I ... at home. b) stayed
4. The box ... two days ago. c) was brought
5. I am your friend, ... ? c) aren't I
6. They didn't write ... at the lesson. b) anything
7. It usually ... me an hour to get there.e b) takes
8. Nobody ... such weather. a) likes
9. You know the words, you ... learn them again. b) don't have to
10. We couldn't take a taxi. We ... walk. a) had to
4. - Have you got any gloves?
- Yes, I have got black ....  b) ones
5. Granny ... a beautiful dress for me. a) has made
6. We have a lot of vegetables. You ... buy any. c) don't have to
7. The island ... in the fifteenth century. c) was discovered
8. Who ... the text? c) has translated
9. I was late yesterday. It ... me two hours to get to the museum. c) took
10. Excuse me, but this is ... chair. b) mу
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