1. Copy the sentences putting in the verbs in the right form

1.If I__any help, I__you (need,ask)
2.I__very surprised if he__the exams (be,pass)
3.if the weather__rany,we__at home. (Be,stay)
4.if I__time,I__the football match on TV (have,watch)
5.He__for you if you__ate (wait,be)
6.If you__shoping buy a CD for me (go)
7.If my parents__me to get a Saturday job, I__a new computer game (allow, buy)
8.If she__in trouble,she__me (be,phone)


Ответ дал: слюда
1need/will ask 2will be/passes3is/will stay4have/will watch5will wait/are6go7allow/will buy8is/will phone
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