Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на английском языке. Хотя бы 100 слов
Тема такая:
наша жизнь значительно стала лучше, если бы в наших головах были чипы и мы могли бы разговаривать на любом языке, каком захотим. но в этом есть свои недостатки


Ответ дал: georgestrieby
Our lives would be much better had we been able to talk in any language. If we had been able to do that, we could communicate with anyone on earth. But this dream has its difficulties: it is not feasible. For one thing, no one could put a chip in their head ; also, it would be confusing if everyone talked the same language all the time. So this will remain nothing but a dream, or all the scientific advances that have come about.
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