Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!!Расставьте слова в предложениях с модальными глаголами по порядку.. 2.after – to – you – tree – have – look – this – carefully – very.

3. have – doesn’t – my — correct – she – to – mistakes.

4. invite – wedding — should – our – we – cousins – the – to.

5. shouldn’t – today – without – an — outside – go – she – umbrella.

6. socks – the – wash – must – every — their – boys – evening.

7. mustn’t – son – lighter – my – play – with – a.

8. I – off – can – day – have – a?

9. aren’t – in — you – shout – the — to – allowed – museum.

10. could – to –have — station – he – gone — the.


Ответ дал: жакуй
2) you have to look after this tree very carefully
3) she doesn't have to correct my mistakes
4) we should invite cousins to the our wedding
5)today she shouldn' go outside without an umbrella
6) the boys must wash their socks every evenin
7)my son mustn't play with a lighter
8)can I have a day off?
9) you aren't allowed to shout in the museum
10)he could have gone to the station
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