Напиши пять типов вопроса к словaм:
They often read и He will swim next week


Ответ дал: istomver
Do they often read? They often read,don't they? What do they often read?Do they read a book or an article?
Will he swim next week? When will he swim? He will swim next week, won't he? Will he swim in the river or in the lake?
Ответ дал: Olialia123
1. Do they often read?
They often read, don't they?
3. Do t
hey often read or write?
4. Who 
often read?
5. Why do 
they often read?

1. Will he swim next week?
He will swim next week, won't he?
3. Will h
e swim next week or next month?
4. Who will swim next week?
5. Where 
 will he swim next week?
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