Put the words in the right order to ask a question, and write true answers.
1. from/you/where/are?
2. first/is/what/name/your?
3. are/going/do/you/this/to/what/weekend?
4. your/you/yesterday/friends/meet/did?
5. many/you/can/how/languages/speak?
6. start/English/when/you/studying/did?
7. it/moment/raining/at/is/the?
8. Thai/ever/you/food/eaten/have?
9. you/for/go/yesterday/did/a walk?
10. time/up/get/usually/do/what/you?


Ответ дал: DeepDeepBlack
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your first name?
3. What are you going to do this weekend?
4. Did your friends meet you yesterday?
5. How many languages can you speak?
6. When did you start studying English?
7. Is it raining at the moment?
8. Have you ever eaten Thai food?
9. Did you go for a walk yesterday?
10. What time do you usuallu get up?

DeepDeepBlack: usually* прости, пожалуйста :)
Ответ дал: alexiafabula
1.Where are you from?
2.What is your first name?
3.What are you going to do this weekend?
4.Did you meet your friends yesterday?
5.How many languages do you speak?
6.When did you start studying English?
7.Is it raining at the moment?
8.Have you ever eaten Thai food?
9.Did you go for a walk yesterday?
10.What time do you usually get up?
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