Переводите вопросы на английский. 1)из чего в древности делали посуду? 2) что подают на стол в начале? 3)какая национальная еда у казахов? 4) какие кухни включает казахская? 5) появились ли различия старой кухни от новой?


Ответ дал: petrov768653
1)what in ancient times was doing the dishes? 2) what is served at the table in the beginning? 3)what is the national food of the Kazakhs? 4) what cuisine
concludes Kazakh? 5) were there any differences from the old food new?
Ответ дал: Глухова2002
1)from which in ancient times did the dishes?,2)that is supplied to the table at the beginning?,3)which national food Kazakhs?,4)which includes Kazakh cuisine?,5)whether there were differences in the old kitchen of the new?
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