Present Continuous & Present Simple

Nicola (live) in Manchester. She was born there and has never lived anywhere else.
Gary (work) in a supermarket at the moment, but I don’t think he’ll stay there
Kate (not/work) this week. She’s on holiday.
Chris (never work) at weekends.
What (you/do) in your spare time? What are you interested in?
Sarah and Tina are in Madrid right now. (They/ visit) a friend of theirs.
(They/ stay) with their friend, or in a hotel?
Sarah is a vegetarian, so (she/not/eat) meat.
The river Nile (flow) into the Mediterranian Sea.
The river (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.


Ответ дал: nunny
Nicola (lives) in Manchester. She was born there and has never lived anywhere else.
Gary (is workung) in a supermarket at the moment, but I don’t think he’ll stay there long.
Kate (is not working) this week. She’s on holiday.
Chris (never works) at weekends.
What (do you do) in your spare time? What are you interested in?
Sarah and Tina are in Madrid right now. (They are visiting) a friend of theirs.
(Are they staying) with their friend, or in a hotel?
Sarah is a vegetarian, so (she does not eat) meat.
The river Nile (flows) into the Mediterranian Sea.
The river (is flowing) very fast today – much faster than usual.
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