Come into the sitting room.

Thank you. Oh 1............. lovely flowers! Where did you buy them?

I did not buy them. There,re 2........... our garden. I can give 3........... if you like.

Yes please.

i,ll get them when it,s 4................. to go. But now 5............... have a cup of tea.

Well i must not 6.................... too late because we 7.............. dinner at 6 o clock. What is the quickest way home? i came 8.................. Is there a bus?

No 9.............. bus. I 10.................... in my car.

Thank you very much.


1 A so      B which     C what             D how


2 A came from       B coming from         C come from             D from


3 A you some      B some you                C to you few            D few to you


4 A hour            B time           C the hour        D the time


5 A let,s              B let us to        C will be              D you want


6 A ro go to       B to come to        C go          D come


7 A have              B take              C have the           D take the


8 A on foot            B by foot     C with foot               D walking


9 A not to take         B do not take a          C take no          D do not take any


10 A may bring           B may take               C can bing         D can take


Ответ дал: MRSG

1 B

2 A

3 A

4 B

5 A

6 D

7 C

8 A

9 B

10 C

Ответ дал: MyAdvs

у тебя не разборчивый почерк

но все же:
1 C

2 D
3 A
4 B
5 A

6 D

7 A

8 A

9 D

10 B

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