упражнение з .Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Passive .(yesterday) 1.the postbox (to empty) yesterday .2.the stamps (to postmark) at the post office. 3.the letters (to sort) into the different towns. 4.The mail (to load) into the train. 5.the mailbags (to unload) after their journey. 6.the bags (to take) to the post office. 7.the letters (to sort) into the different streets.


Ответ дал: Katelin817
1 The postbox was emptied yesterday.
2 The stamps were postmarked at the postoffice.
3  The letters were sorted into the different towns.
4 The mail was loaded into the train.
5 The mailbags were unloaded  after their journey.
6 The bags were taken to the post office.
7 The letters were sorted into the different streets.

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